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Meeker Cheer to perform at Oct. 25 home game

ERBM Marketing
1st-5th grade cheerleaders practicing jumps in an indoor gym.
Meeker Cheer has been practicing hard each week!

ERBM's 1st-5th grade cheerleaders will join the high school cheer team during the first half of the Meeker Cowboys home game on Friday, October 25. The game begins at 7:00pm.

Participant Information:

  • Show your school pride by wearing black and gold.

  • Layer for cold weather.

  • Drop off is at 6:30pm in from of the Starbuck Stadium scoreboard.

  • Pick-up will be by the northeast gate by the concessions stand at the beginning of halftime.

  • Contact coaches Ashley or Ariel with questions, 970-878-7408.

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