Call for Nominations
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and particularly, to the eligible electors of the Eastern Rio Blanco Metropolitan Recreation & Park District ("District"), Rio Blanco County, Colorado.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a polling place election will be held on Tuesday, May 6, 2025, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, three eligible electors will be elected to serve a four-year term each on the District's Board of Directors.
In order to be a candidate for one of the Board of Director positions, a qualified individual must submit a Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form. The Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form is available from Cathy Kiser, Designated Election Official of the District, at the contact information below:
Cathy Kiser
Eastern Rio Blanco Metropolitan Recreation & Park District
101 Ute Road, Meeker, CO 81641
Phone: (970) 878-7417
Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 am – 3:00 pm
The Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form must be returned to the Designated Election Official by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2025. A Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form that is not sufficient may be amended once at any time before the close of business, on Friday, February 28, 2025. Earlier submittal is encouraged as the deadline will not permit correcting a form that is deemed insufficient after the deadline.
An Affidavit of Intent To Be A Write-In Candidate must be submitted to the Designated Election Official by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2025
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots may be filed with the Designated Election Official at the contact information referenced above, no later than the close of business on Tuesday, April 29, 2025. Further information regarding applications for absentee ballots also may be obtained from the Designated Election Official.
Cathy Kiser, Designated Election Official
Board of Directors
Regular ERBM District Board meetings are scheduled for the third Tuesday of every month in the Meeker Recreation Center Conference Room starting at 5:00pm. Public is welcome to attend.
Board agendas are posted at the Recreation Center and online.
Meeting changes do occur, please check most current agenda for up to date information.
Agendas, Minutes, Resolutions and Financials can be found in the Document Center below.
2025 Board Meeting Dates:
January 21
February 18
March 11
April 15
May 13
June 17
July 15
August 19
September 16
October 14
November 18
December 9
Board of Directors
John Strate - President
3 Year Term (2025)
Kent Walter - Vice President
4 Year Term (2027)
Kim Kendall - Secretary
3 Year Term (2025)
Ginny Love - Treasurer
3 Year Term (2025)
Lisa Moffitt - Director
4 Year Term (2027)
Document Center
If you're looking for audit, fiscal, investment, marketing policies, and/or resolutions, or if you need accessibility assistance, please give us a call at 970-878-3403 or email Please tap the button below to navigate to the Document Center.
Public Records Requests
Please complete our Public Records Request Form (linked below) to obtain copies of the requested records. ERBM will respond to your request within three working days, except in the event of extenuating circumstances, in which case ERBM will respond to your request within seven working days.
ERBM complies with the requirements of the Colorado Open Records Act and any other applicable federal or state laws with respect to whether it must, may, or cannot produce public records, or other documents or information requested, and the fees it charges for producing such public records or other documents or information. Resolution 2024-09 provides ERBM's policy for requests for public records and assessing charges for the production of public records.
Request for Proposals
Current request for proposals (RFP) on our projects will be listed here.
There are no RFP's at this time.
Funding Requests
The ERBM Board of Directors may from time to time, grant funding requests for support of community events, projects, or other activities that align with ERBM's mission: To create year-round recreational, cultural, and outdoor experiences that improve the well-being and promote a vibrant community for residents, visitors, and future generations of Eastern Rio Blanco County. Contributions are not guaranteed, and are dependent upon the District’s financial condition, operational needs, and availability of funds designated for community requests.
Who can apply?
The requester must be either a non-profit organization, governmental entity, special district, or school district. Clubs, committees, teams, or other groups must be a standalone non-profit or part of a board-structured organization. The Board will not consider requests submitted by individuals or for-profit corporations.
When is a request due?
First-time requests: A completed application form is due to the Executive Director at least two weeks prior to an upcoming regularly scheduled board meeting. Generally, the board meets on the third Tuesday each month; however, you may want to contact the Executive Director to confirm the day and time of an upcoming meeting.
Renewal or ongoing requests: Contact the the Administrative Services Manager for information.
Where is the request form and how should it be submitted?
The request form is found below and may be electronically filled out or printed and completed by hand. You can also pick up a copy at Meeker Recreation Center, 101 Ute Road, Meeker CO.
Submit your completed form to the Administrative Services Manager.
Mail: ERBM Rec and Park District, 101 Ute Road, Meeker, CO 81641 c/o Dondi Glasscock
Hand-deliver: Meeker Recreation Center, 101 Ute Road.
Contact Administrative Services Manager Dondi Glasscock at or call 970-878-7414.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Give back to the community and support future programs, activities, and events! Sponsorship opportunities are available for races, programs, banners, and advertising.
We greatly appreciate our business sponsors and will give you the recognition you deserve.
For more information, contact Shelly Rogers at 970-878-7415 or email